• The biggest disco ball in the world has a total diameter of 2.41 meters and weighs around 137.89 kilograms. It also has 6,900 mirrors squares on it.
• In the weightlessness of space a frozen pea will explode if it comes in contact with any aerated dink like Pepsi or coke.
• If garlic is rubbed in the sole of one’s feet, it would be absorbed by the body and would eventually show up on one’s breath.
• Food passes through the small intestine in just two hours. However inside the large intestine, it takes about 14 hours to travel the entire organ.
• During warm weather, hippopotamus secrete a reddish, oily fluid, called pink sweat, which acts as a skin conditioner and keeps their skin moist.
• In 1915, before becoming the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill fought in the front line trenches before he became the minister of Munitions.
• The renowned Greek Philosopher Socrates became famous for asking questions about almost everything.
• There is air in space. It is equivalent to a marble in a box five miles wide. Most of the gas is captured by the gravitational pull of celestial bodies.
• Abdul Kassam Ismael, Ruler of Persia in the tenth century, carried his library with him wherever he went. Four hundred camels carried the 117,000 volumes.
• The Burramundy, a peculiar type of fish, grows up as a male, but after 2 years or so, it turns into a female to breed and reproduce.
Great site! I love silly facts like this...where do you find them?
the garlic thing... i must do that while everyone's sleeping and they'll all wake up with garlic breath.
Yes... Thanks a lot.... I usually get these things from from friends and also i gather it around.
you have to try that garlic thing...
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