Finance Ministry on Wednesday announced a new coin for Rs. 20 which will be shaped like a 27 mm "dodecagon" - a 12-sided polygon. Finance Ministry issued a notification announcing the new 20-rupee coin.
Same like circular 10-rupee coin, which is also 27 mm in diameter and has 100 serrations on its edge, the 20-rupee coin will not have any marks on its edge.
Like the 10-rupee coin, it will be two-toned. While the outer ring will be 65 per cent copper, 15 per cent zinc and 20 per nickel, the inner disc will be 75 per cent copper, 20 per cent zinc and five percent nickel.
Government is also releasing the new series of prototypes of coins of Re 1, Rs 2, Rs 5 and Rs 10.
Public have claimed that some traders have refused some variants of the 10-rupee coin, assuming them to be fake.
RBI issued a clarification saying that all 14 kinds of coins continue to be legal tender including 10rupee coin.
Visually impaired friendly circulation coin. Apart from Currency notes, coins have a longer life and hence, coins that are released over a long period continue to stay in circulation simultaneously, the RBI said.
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